New Year Resolutions

New Year resolutions are apparently a tradition. Kristin has three and I’m going along with two of them, in addition to my reading and blogging goals for 2011.

Blimillion by Oyst under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Genereic

1. Going to 12 different cultural events during 2011 – I think we’ll do all right as we already have tickets to six of them and the seventh is being planned. I guess we’ll also go to the movies a few times and there’ll probably be a few concerts after summer too, so twelve should be fairly easy. It’s not a prerequisite of the resolution that there should be one every month.

2. Have 12 nature experiences during 2011 – This shouldn’t be too hard either. The thing making it a bit harder is that several hikes at Kvarven only counts as one, so we probably have to vary our hiking a bit more. Playing a golf course that we haven’t played before also counts. I think we’ll do ok. As for the cultural events it’s not a prerequisite of the resolution to do one every month. This is good since we don’t enjoy wading through snow when we want to take a walk. Cross country skiing, or any other form of skiing, is not our thing.

3. (when it comes to this resolution I’m just an observer) Get hold of (by buying, cashing in prizes or getting intants as gifts) and scraping at least 300 instant lottery tickets during to year. The purpose of this exercise being to find out if you can win nok. 1 000 000,- by playing systematically – As already mentioned, I’m just an observer. The only bit of blame I’ll share is that I took part in the conversation about Bridget Jones’s Diary that made Kristin come up with this idea. The first instant has already been scraped and the winnings are at this moment at exactly nok 0,-. But, if she wins a substantial amount of money I’d love to help her spend them 🙂

About mostraum

Librarian, reader, atheist, blogger, golfer, lesbian, geek.

Posted on January 1, 2011, in Just for fun, Just life and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on New Year Resolutions.

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