Booking Through Thursday : Soundtrack

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme in which we answer a question about books or reading.

What, if any, kind of music do you listen to when you’re reading? (Given a choice, of course!)

Mostly I don’t listen to music while reading. When I was a student I quite often put on a cd before starting reading and if I got into things I didn’t even notice when it stopped. Nowadays it’s very rare for me to put on music. My Kindle can play music. I tried the feature to see how it worked (fine) and haven’t touched it since.

I’m more used to reading with the tv as soundtrack, with more than one person in a household that’s what happens. When I shared an apartment with a football-crazy friend (the kind of football were you actually kick the ball) I used to hear a lot of football games while reading. Occasionally I looked up and said things like “Oh, the other team scored”, usually at least 10 minutes after the fact. Not very popular…. These days I read with any tv-program as soundtrack and Kristin reads to a lot of golf.

I must also mention that I’m one of those people who hate listening using earplugs. I use one in my left ear when using bluetooth on my phone, but that’s it. Being stuck in a stuck, pitch-black elevator doesn’t bother me at all (I’ve tried), but earplugs gives me claustrophobia like nothing else.

About mostraum

Librarian, reader, atheist, blogger, golfer, lesbian, geek.

Posted on June 23, 2011, in Literature/Books and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. I usually read in silence. But in winter I often have alpine skiing on the TV on while reading and then I don’t know who wins in the end:) Here is my BTT post.

  2. Sounds familiar, but it’s more often biathlon and cross country skiing around here 🙂

  3. We are the complete oposite. I can’t read with the TV in the background, or have people talking around me. I lose my focus completely. And earphones are my saviours in life.

  4. I don’t like earplugs either…and I only like background noise. But sometimes there is no choice.


  5. I can’t stand earplugs either, but I do like peace and quiet while I read.

    Thanks for dropping by today.

  6. I prefer soft music while reading.

    Here is my BTT: Soundtrack post!