Reading Ambitions for 2012

I find that having some specific goals helps my reading, so I’ve decided on some reading goals for 2012.

  1. I’ll read at least 52 books in 2012. This include graphic novels, short story collections and non-fiction books.
  2. I’ll read at least 52 short stories (novellas, novelettes, short stories) in 2012.
  3. I’ll finish the 12 books I intend to read for the 2012 Speculative Fiction Challenge that I’ve joined. Most of those books are from my TBR-pile, so that’s a good thing. I might join other challenges too. Time will tell.
  4. I’ll read at least one book from each continent and at least one set in another world, another planet or in space.
  5. I’ll read the winners (novels) of the following awards:
    The Man Booker Prize (shortlist are presented in early September, winner announced mid-late October)
    The Lambda Literary Awards (SF/Fantasy/Horror and Lesbian Fiction. Maybe Lesbian Mystery too, we’ll see. Will be announced in June.)
    The Spectrum Awards (usually announced in November)
    The Hugo Awards (presented at WorldCon, Aug.30th.-Sept.3rd. 2012)
    The Nebula Awards (the Nebulas for 2011 will be announced mid-May 2012)
  6. I’ll read at least 3 non-fiction books.
  7. I’ll read at least 2 short story collections.
  8. I’ll keep blogging about books I’ve read.

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